A class action lawsuit for unpaid wages and overtime has been filed against Costco, according to a report from forbes.com,        "Costco Employee Files $50 Million Lawsuit."   The lawsuit claims that Costco required employees to work off the clock, failed to pay them overtime and locked them inside of stores after the end of their shifts.

Lexington, Kentucky overtime lawyer Robert Abell helps individuals and employees recover the overtime they've earned but not been paid; contact him at 859-254-7076.

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Steven West 05/28/2009 04:14 PM
I was locked in the warehouse every night for five years. I worked the closing cashier shifts. Personally the company hasn't paid me for over 800 hours that I was locked in the building waiting to leave.
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Steven West 05/28/2009 04:15 PM
I was locked in the warehouse every night for five years. I worked the closing cashier shifts. Personally the company hasn't paid me for over 800 hours that I was locked in the building waiting to leave.
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