- Have you been mistreated or harassed in the workplace?
- Are you are dealing with lewd jokes, unwanted come-ons, or other sexual behavior at your work?
- Are you facing a dispute with your employer?
You have rights in the workplace. Robert L. Abell, Employment and Labor Law Attorney, can help you exercise those rights.
Kentucky Employment Law
Robert L. Abell, a Kentucky employment law attorney, has nearly 30 years of experience evaluating and representing employees in cases involving wrongful terminations, overtime disputes, whistleblowers, sexual harassment, and age discrimination or other bias claims. Labor and employment laws in Kentucky have specific requirements and rules. You want to be represented by a lawyer who is well versed in Kentucky labor and employment law and who can provide you with the expertise you need to win your case.
Workplace Discrimination
Both Kentucky and federal laws protect employees against discrimination based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, pregnancy, or disability. If you have been denied a job because of pregnancy discrimination or racial discrimination; or have been passed over for a promotion because of age discrimination or religious discrimination; or if you were not given equal pay because of gender discrimination, contact Robert Abell, Kentucky Employee Rights Lawyer, to learn how he can help you today: 859-254-7076.
Wrongful Discharge
Wrongful discharge includes any type of illegal firing or improper termination. While most jobs in the United States are considered "at-will" employment, it is still a violation of the law to terminate an employee because of age, gender, race, nation of origin, and religious affiliation, among other characteristics. If you believe that you have been illegally fired or unfairly terminated from your job, call Robert L. Abell, he handles a wide range of employment law issues and employment litigation matters involving wrongful employee termination. Contact KY Employment Law Attorney, Robert L. Abell to learn how he can help you: 859-254-7076.
Whistle Blower Litigation
If you know of corporate fraud or misconduct by your employer, or if your employer has put you in an unlawful or compromising situation, Robert N. Abell can provide you with the legal support you need to pursue your whistle blower claim. He is experienced in Public Employee Law in Kentucky and has years of experience representing clients under the Kentucky Whistle Blower Statute. Contact Robert L. Abell today to protect your rights and support your whistle blower claim.
Harassment and Hostile Environment Cases
If you have experienced discriminatory harassment at work; that is, abuse on the basis of race or color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, pregnancy, or other categories that may be protected under Kentucky law, Robert L. Abell, has the experience and background to help you defend your rights.
Sexual harassment can include any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical behavior creating an offensive or sexually charged environment for employees of either gender. Robert L. Abell is well versed in your rights under Kentucky law and will work with you on your sexual harassment claim. Call for a free consultation, 859-254-7076.
Wage and Hour Cases
Does your employer have a policy of failing to pay for all hours worked or failing to pay overtime? If you have been asked to sign an employee contract or a non-compete agreement, make sure you know what your obligations are under the contract. If your employer is failing to pay you according to the law, you have recourse. Talk to Robert L. Abell, employee rights lawyer to learn your rights and get the help you need. Call today to discuss your claim: 859-254-7076.
Robert L. Abell, represents employees throughout Central Kentucky, including: Lexington, Fayette County, Central Kentucky, Georgetown, Scott County, Frankfort, Franklin County, Winchester, Clark County, Richmond, Madison County, Nicholasville, Jessamine County, Versailles, Woodford County, Paris, Bourbon County, Williamstown, Grant County, Harrodsburg, Danville, Florence, Lovington, Shelbyville, Berea, Louisville, Lawrenceburg, and Anderson County.
Contact Robert L. Abell and he will evaluate your case and answer all of your questions before pursuing a lawsuit on your behalf. Call Robert L. Abell today: 859-254-7076!