Lexington, Kentucky whistleblower lawyer Robert Abell represented the whistleblower employees in Melvin Kindle, et al v. City of Jeffersontown, Kentucky, and succeeded in getting the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to rule that employees of cities and municipalities are protected by the Kentucky Whistleblower Act. To read a copy of the court's opinion click here.
The employees of Jeffersontown's police department, Melvin Kindle, Brad Silveria and Dee Adkins were represented by Lexington, Kentucky whistleblower lawyer Robert Abell. Read a copy of their main brief and their reply brief filed by Robert Abell on their behalf in the appeals court.
Unfortunately, it later all proved for naught as the Kentucky Supreme Court retreated from its prior decisions on the Kentucky Whistleblower Act and ruled in Central City v Wilson that the law did not apply to or protect municipal employees. Do you think it makes a difference who your lawyer is?