A whistleblower suit alleging that Baylor Medical Center in Dallas overbilled Medicare and two other federal medical insurance programs for oncology and radiation-related services has been settled for $907,000. The federal False Claims Act suit was filed in 2010 by Dr. Brian Berger, a radiation oncologist, and Janice Delp, a radiation therapist, who worked for the medical center and alleged that physicians and hospital officials had double-billed for radiation-treatment plans and charged for costly radiation oncology services when less-expensive services should have been billed.
Source: Modern Healthcare
This whistleblower lawsuit was filed under the federal False Claims Act. The False Claims Act allows for whistleblower lawsuits where a company or in this case medical center has falsely billed or overbilled a federal government program. The whistleblowers, in this case Dr. Berger and Ms. Delp, will receive a portion of the settlement; whistleblowers that bring False Claims Act cases generally receive 15-25% of the money recovered.