Former restaurant managers for Steak N Shake have filed a class action lawsuit for unpaid overtime.  The two managers, Sandra Drake and Randy Smith, claim that they were misclassified as exempt by the restaurant corporation under the "executive" and/or "administrative" exemptions to overtime.  The case applies to Steak N Shake restaurant managers that have worked for the company. The St. Louis Business Journal reports further: Steak N Shake Managers Allege Unpaid Overtime.  

This case illustrates the point subject of a number of previous posts that the job title "manager" does not mean that the employee is properly exempt from overtime, see Are Assistant Managers Entitled to Overtime Pay?Rite-Aid Store Managers Settle Overtime SuitAT&T Managers' Class Action for Unpaid Overtime Moves Forward being just a few examples.

Lexington, Kentucky overtime lawyer Robert Abell helps individuals and employees recover the overtime they've earned but not been paid; contact him at 859-254-7076. 

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