The answer should be "yes."  Kentucky law defines "wages" to include  any compensation due to an employee by reason of his employment and includes "vested vacation pay."  KRS 337.010. Vested vacation pay should be considered accrued vacation pay. 

An employee leaving employment must be paid the "wages" owed him or her within 14 days of their last day of employment or the next regular pay date, whichever comes later.  KRS 337.055.

Lexington, Kentucky wages and overtime lawyer Robert Abell has represented individuals seeking payment for their vested vacation pay, which are nothing more than money that has been earned but not paid. See Complaint for Unpaid Wages - Vested Vacation Pay

Lexington, Kentucky wages and overtime lawyer Robert Abell represents individuals and employees seeking to recover the wages and overtime they have earned but not been paid; contact him at 859-254-7076.