Wage theft occurs where an employer fails to pay an employee the wages or overtime that the employee has earned. Wage theft is a National epidemic: the amount of wage theft is more than the total amount robbed from banks, gas stations and convenience stores put together as has been reported in the Huffington Post, Low-Wage Workers Are Robbed More Than Banks, Gas Stations And Convenience Stores Combined.
Given the amount of wage theft each year and the frequency that it occurs it has been widely reported: Fast-Food Workers Denounce Wage Theft 'Crime Wave' At New York City Hearing; Florida Wage Theft and Reagan Building Food Court Workers Allege Wage Theft In Complaint To Labor Department.
There is recourse: both federal law, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and Kentucky law allow an individual to file suit to recover their unpaid wages and/or overtime along with attorney's fees.
Lexington, Kentucky wages and overtime lawyer Robert Abell represents individuals and employees seeking to recover the wages and overtime they've earned but not been paid; contact Robert Abell at 859-254-7076.