Golfer Vijay Singh, a former No. 1 ranked player, winner of the Masters in 2001 and 33 other PGA Tour tournaments, has filed suit against the PGA Tour. Singh admitted earlier this year that he had used deer antler spray, which is thought to have some type of healing powers and was thought to include some type of prohibited performance-enhancing substance. The PGA Tour announced last week that it would not take any disciplinary action against Singh. Nevertheless, Singh filed suit this week on the eve of one of the Tour's premier events, the Players Championship, claimed various injuries and stating that he intended to clear his name and restore his reputation.
The suit was filed in state court in New York: Vijay Singh v. PGA Tour, Inc. Here's a story in the New York Times, Singh Sues PGA Tour Over Handling of Doping Case, and one at, Vijay Singh Sues PGA Tour Over Deer-Antler Spray Investigation.
It is hard to understand what Singh is hoping to accomplish with this suit. I follow the PGA Tour pretty regularly and thought, as I'm sure most people did, that the whole deer antler spray would go away, being shown to be a non-issue. Singh has long been known to one of the Tour's hardest workers. He has achieved great things in his golf career, which I found in no way diminished by this deer antler spray issue. This case will settle, probably soon and hopefully it and the deer antler spray issue will be forgotten.