Honestly, sometimes it gets beyond exasperating. While I understand politics and all that, at the end of the day the country has to work, not be screwed up like some kind of Third-World banana republic.
One example is the Senate's failure to confirm President Obama's nominees to the federal courts, which the evidence indicates is a result of intransigence and reactionary obstructionism by Senate Republicans. President George W. Bush's nominees to the federal appeals courts were confirmed at a rate 4 times faster than have President Obama's, district court nominees by Bush were confirmed at a rate 3 times faster. These numbers have created widespread vacancies and imperil the people's access to our federal courts. The New York Times reports "Federal Courts Without Judges."
But even without this problem, there would be the impact of the sequestration budget cuts, government by mindless stupidity. The Dallas Morning News reports that the federal public defender's office there will be closed on Fridays through September: Federal Public Defender's Office In Dallas To Close One Day A Week Due to Budget Cuts.The chief district judge in Colorado, Marcia Krieger, has announced that criminal hearings will not be held on Fridays due to furloughs to prosecutors, public defenders and court security personnel reports the Legal Times.