
Insurance Claims


    Forbes has selected as the #1 corporate complaint site.

  • Fight Bad-Faith Insurance Companies

    Fight Bad-Faith Insurance Companies (FBIC) is a consumer advocacy group opposed to bad-faith practices by insurance companies. "It's the Law: Insurance Companies Are Required To 'Willingly' Pay Claims Properly and Promptly (Good Faith) and It Is Illegal To 'Willingly' Discount, Delay, Or Deny Payment of Claims (Bad Faith)."

  • Americans For Insurance Reform

    Americans for Insurance Reform (AIR) is a national coalition of public interest organizations that support effective insurance industry reforms to control skyrocketing insurance rates, reduced insurance coverage, arbitrary policy cancellations, mismanagement and other insurance industry abuses.

  • Insurance Information Institute

    The average cost of car insurance declined by 1.7% in 2006, according to a report from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The site has many interesting insurance facts.

  • United Policyholders

    United Policyholders was founded in 1991 as non-profit tax-exempt organization dedicated to educating the public on insurance issues and consumer rights.

  • Kentucky Department of Insurance

Employment Law

  • Kentucky Commission on Human Rights

    The Kentucky General Assembly created the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights in 1960. Initially, the state government agency was instructed to encourage fair treatment and foster mutual understanding and respect, and to discourage discrimination against any racial or ethnic group or its members. However, in 1966, the commission role expanded with the passage of The Kentucky Civil Rights Act (Kentucky Revised Statute [KRS]344). This law made discrimination illegal on a state level, and it made the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights the statutory authority to enforce the law for the Commonwealth. Kentucky became the first state south of the Mason Dixon Line to make discrimination illegal.

  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): History, Benefits, Coverage, Laws, Special Rules, Definitions, Health Conditions, Enforcement and more

    An article by Ahshley Moore, a Research Coordinator for the American Educational Research Association (AERA), on the FMLA. 

  • Kentucky Employment Law Blog

    A continuing review and commentary on employment law and cases by Lexington, Kentucky lawyer Robert L. Abell.

  • Live Strong -- Practical Effects of Cancer: Employment Discrimination

    Live Strong is a cancer patient advocacy group started by cancer survivor and 7-time Tour de France bicyclist Lance Armstrong.

  • Questions and Answers About Diabetes in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    This site provided by the EEOC provides some general information and answers some questions about the rights of persons with diabetes in the workplace and the Americans With Disabilities Act. 

  • Questions and Answers about Epilepsy In the Workplace and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)

    This site from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) offers some general answers to questions that persons with epilepsy have about their rights in the workplace and under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • Department of Workplace Standards, Kentucky Labor Cabinet

    The Department of Workplace Standards has the statutory authority and oversight to carry out the administrative duties of the Divisions of Employment Standards, Apprenticeship and Mediation and Workers’ Compensation Funds. This office has the responsibility of enforcing all statutes as set forth in Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapters 336, 337, 339, 345, 207 and 342.

  • Workplace Fairness

    Workplace Fairness is a non-profit organization that provides information, education, and assistance to individual workers and their advocates nationwide and promotes public policies that advance employee rights.

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is charged with enforcing federal employment discrimination laws including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • National Employment Lawyers Association

    The National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) advances employee rights and serves lawyers who advocate for equality and justice in the American workplace.

Kentucky Workers' Compensation

Employment Discrimination

  • National Committee on Pay Equity

    The National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE), founded in 1979, is a coalition of women's and civil rights organizations; labor unions; religious, professional, legal, and educational associations, commissions on women, state and local pay equity coalitions and individuals working to eliminate sex- and race-based wage discrimination and to achieve pay equity.

  • Sexual Harassment Hotline Resource List

    Resources and information about sexual harassment and your rights. 

  • Facts About Sexual Harassment

    Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates both federal and Kentucky state law.

    Sexual harassment occurs by unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. It is also illegal to discriminate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.

  • Disability Rights Advocates

    Disability Rights Advocates is a non-profit legal center advocating on behalf of people with all types of disabilities throughout the United States and worldwide.

  • Equal Rights Advocates

    The mission of Equal Rights Advocates is to protect and secure equal rights and opportunities for women and girls through advocacy and lawsuits.

  • Mexican-American Legal Defense & Educational Fund

    The Mexican-American Legal Defense & Educational Fund (MALDEF) is our Nation's leading non-profit Latino legal organization. Often described as the "law firm of the Latino community," MALDEF promotes equality and justice through litigation, advocacy, public policy, and community education in the areas of employment, immigrants' rights, voting rights, education, and language rights.

  • National Workrights Institute

    The National Workrights Institute was founded in January 2000 by the former staff of the American Civil Liberties Union's National Taskforce on Civil Liberties in the Workplace. The Institute's creation grew from the belief that the workplace is a critical front in the fight for human rights and the belief that this effort required the creation of a new organization dedicated to human rights in the workplace. The Institute's mission is to be the one human rights organization which commits its entire effort to workplace issues.

  • NOW Legal Defense Fund

    The nation's oldest legal defense and education fund dedicated to advancing the rights of all women and girls.

ERISA & Employee Benefits

Nursing Homes


  • Taxpayers Against Fraud

    Taxpayers Against Fraud is a nonprofit public interest organization dedicated to combating fraud against the Federal Government through the promotion and use of the federal fraud whistleblower law, the False Claims Act.

  • Government Accountability Project

    The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is a 30-year-old nonprofit public interest group that promotes government and corporate accountability by advancing occupational free speech, defending whistleblowers, and empowering citizen activists.

  • National Whistleblowers Center

    The National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) is an advocacy organization with a 20-year history of protecting the right of individuals to speak out about wrongdoing in the workplace without fear of retaliation. Since 1988, NWC has supported whistleblowers in the courts and before Congress, achieving victories for environmental protection, nuclear safety, government ethics and corporate accountability.


  • -- Recognizing and Responding to Discrimination at Work is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most reliable, complete, and up-to-date information about breast cancer.

  • Abell Law Blog

    Continuing comment and review of issues, events and legal developments affecting individuals and families by Lexington, Kentucky lawyer Robert L. Abell

  • Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund

    The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, founded in 1979, is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities.

  • SCOTUS Blog

    A blog on cases and happenings before the United States Supreme Court. 

  • Kentucky Bar Association

    The Kentucky Bar Association is an independent agency of the Supreme Court of Kentucky. Its authority to regulate the legal profession in Kentucky, delegated by the Kentucky Supreme Court through rules, is derived from the Kentucky Constitution. The mission and purpose of the Association is to maintain a proper discipline of the members of the bar in accordance with these Rules and with the principles of the legal profession as a public calling, to initiate and supervise, with the approval of the Court, appropriate means to insure a continuing high standard of professional competence on the part of the members of the Bar, and to bear a substantial and continuing responsibility for promoting the efficiency and improvement of the judicial system. SCR 3.025

  • American Association for Justice

    The American Association for Justice and its members, which include Robert L. Abell, work to assure a fair and effective justice system to protect individuals and families injured by the misconduct or negligence of others, including the most powerful corporations and government agencies.

  • Kentucky Justice Association

    The Kentucky Justice Association and its members, which include Robert L. Abell, work hard to assure that persons injured by the misconduct or negligence of others can get justice in the courtroom, no matter that the other side may be the most powerful of corporations or government agencies.