The Paycheck Fairness Act, which will help promote fair and equal pay among, men, women and all others, was blocked by a minority of Republicans in the U.S. Senate today. The vote received the support of a majority of the Senate, but was blocked by a minority led by Senate Minority Leader and the senior Senator from Kentucky, Hon. Mitch McConnell. Not a single Republican Senator voted in favor of paycheck fairness. Even giving every last one of these Honorable men and women the benefit of every conceivable doubt, one can still question reasonably why? Why are you opposed to paycheck fairness?

You wouldn't think that fair pay would be controversial or an issue for political in-fighting for which the minority Republicans in the Senate are prepared to go to the mat. Or you might think that democracy means that there is majority rules. But you would be wrong, when it comes to ordinary, working people doing their jobs and providing for their families. 

There are numerous reports on this disappointing development: Senate Republicans Block Bill on Equal Pay in the New York Times, Senate Republicans Block Paycheck Fairness Act for a Third Time in the Huffington Post.


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