Earlier in the year we reported on overtime suits brought against McDonald's by employees at a number of its franchisees: McDonald's - Class Actions for Unpaid Wages & Overtime; Working Off the Clock & Wage Theft: The McDonald's Suits; Wage Theft - 9 out of 10 Fast Food Workers Are Victims; and, A Step Forward for Fair Pay at McDonald's. A $3.75 million settlement of one of these cases, one filed in federal court in San Francisco and one relying in part on California's worker-friendly state overtime laws, has been announced, McDonald's to pay $3.75 million in first settlement with franchise workers. The franchisee previously paid $700,000 to settle the overtime claims.
Lexington, Kentucky overtime lawyer Robert Abell helps individuals and employees recover the overtime they've earned but not been paid; contact him at 859-254-7076.