Sex discrimination in the form of lesser pay and being passed over for promotion despite better qualifications was the basis for a class action sex discrimination lawsuit by female sales reps against the giant drug company, Novartis, as this blog reported earlier, "Sex Bias Suit Against Novartis Begins."
A jury ound Novartis liable for engaging in a pattern of sex discrimination against its female sales reps from 2002 to 2007 and returned a verdict of $3.36 million in compensatory damages for the class representatives, 12 former sales reps. The individual damage awards range from $50,000 to almost $600,000. The jury will consider punitive damages. About 5600 women that are part of the protected class will be able to apply to a special master for their compensation.
Source: New York Times
If you have been paid less than your peers or denied promotion despite your better qualifications because of your sex, contact Lexington, Kentucky discrimination lawyer Robert Abell at 859-254-7076.
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