In the wake of the despicable disclosures regarding the movie guy, Harvey Weinstein, whose victims included a number of very famous actresses, Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow, being two of them, a Washington Post/ABC poll reveals that 64% of those polled answered that sexual harassment of women in the workplace was a "serious problem." A Majority of Americans Now Say That Sexual Harassment Is a "Serious Problem."
Beyond that the poll also reveals some frankly very disturbing information:
- One-third of women say that they had experienced sexual advances from a male co-worker or a man who had influence over their job
- 54% of women asked said they'd been targeted by unwanted sexual advances they deemed inappropriate either inside or outside their workplace
- 42% of women who had experienced harassment say they had reported such incidents to supervisors
- The share of female college graduates saying sexual harassment is a serious problem grew from 47 percent in 2011 to 76 percent in the latest survey
- 65 percent majority of Americans, and over three-quarters of women, say men typically get away with sexually harassing women in the workplace; among women who say they’ve experienced unwelcome sexual advances on the job, a staggering 94 percent say men usually avoid facing any consequences for their actions.
We've done a number of posts on sexual harassment and sexual harassment cases including the following:
Sexual Harassment: Sexual Propositions & Discussions of Sexual Desires
Is Telling a Supervisor To Stop His Sexual Harassment Protected Activity?
What is a hostile work environment based on sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment and hostile work environment; when is it unlawful?
Sexual Harassment - Hostile Work Environment Created By "Locker Room" Atmosphere