Accounting Firm KPMG is charged in a class action lawsuit with sex discrimination in pay, promotions and pregnancy leave. Among the suit's claims are that women with children are treated as second-class employees and that more than 50% of the firm's employees are women but only about 18% are in management positions.
Source: Reuters
The suit is similar to other, recent class action lawsuits see Gender Discrimination Class Action Suit Against Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Cigna Health Insurance Sued for Sex Discrimination by Female Managers, Toshiba Sued for Sex Discrimination, and Sex Discrimination Suit by Female Sales Reps Against Novartis Settled for $152 Million.
Articles and special reports by Robert Abell on sex discrimination in employment including "glass ceiling" discrimination and stereotypying discrimination include the following: Sex Discrimination and the Glass Ceiling, Stereotypes & "Sex Plus" Discrimination, and SPECIAL REPORT - Sex and Gender Discrimination In Employment.
Lexington, Kentucky discrimination lawyer Robert Abell represents employees in sex discrimination and sexual harassment cases; contact him at 859-254-7076.
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