Under Kentucky workers compensation law a "permanent impairment rating" means the "percentage of whole body impairment caused by the injury or occupational disease as determined by the AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment."  In 2011 the 5th edition of the AMA guide is being used in Kentucky.

Lexington, Kentucky workers compensation lawyer Robert Abell represents employees that suffer a work injury and need Kentucky workers compensation benefits or medical treatment; contact him at 859-254-7076.

May be this can answer some more questions that you might have about Kentucky workers compensation law and claims: 

Who decides my claim for Kentucky workers compensation benefits?

How are my Kentucky workers compensation benefits affected if I am injured and can still work but not in the same type job I was working when I was hurt?

Can I choose my own doctor to treat my work injury under Kentucky workers compensation law?

How long do I have to file my claim for Kentucky workers compensation benefits?

If I suffer a work injury in Kentucky, does Kentucky workers compensation compensate me for pain and suffering?